GSR’s centres (Residential Services Management)


The GSR co-operative has centres with both subsidised and private places, staffed by multidisciplinary professionals to provide the care and attention required in each case. The GSR cooperative (Residential Services Management) adapts its care service at all times to the personal needs of its patients and those of their family environment, and stands out for its continuous efforts to improve the quality of care it offers.

GSR has several centres in Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Navarra, Cantabria and La Rioja. These are the different types of centres that GSR has:

  1. Residences for the elderly

In these residences, they offer comprehensive care and individual support to improve the autonomy of the elderly, thus compensating for the limitations they suffer from.

  1. Day centres

The day centres are specialised in the elderly, where the professionals in the sector attend to the specific needs of each patient with different services during daytime hours.

  1. Integral care centres for the disabled

Through these centres, they improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, enhancing their possibilities for development, as well as promoting inclusion. The aim is to move towards a fair and egalitarian society.

  1. Mental health centres

Mental health centres care for and assist people with severe mental disorders, who require specialised treatment and rehabilitation to care for and assist their psychosocial disabilities.

  1. Community housing

Community housing is grouped housing that offers a comprehensive care service for autonomous elderly people or people with a physical disability.

If you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact GSR.